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外国语学院“学涯外语讲坛”第十九讲:比利时鲁汶大学Dirk Geeraerts教授

来源:                   发布时间:2018-03-15

讲座题目:From Structure to Context. Modern Linguistics from a Distance

主讲人:Dirk Geeraerts教授



举办单位: 外国语学院


Dirk Geeraerts,比利时鲁汶大学语言学系主任、《认知语言学》(Cognitive Linguistics)期刊的创刊主编,《牛津认知语言学手册》(The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics)主编,曾任国际认知语言学学会主席。现兼任德国Mouton de Gruyter出版社的“认知语言学研究”(Cognitive Linguistics Research)系列丛书主编。主要研究兴趣涉及认知语言学、词汇语义学和词典学等领域。


This talk describes the evolution of 20th and 21st century linguistics in terms of three main theoretical periods: structuralist, generativist, and functional-cognitive. I will argue that the transition from structuralism to generativism involves a process of decontextualisation of the grammar, in the sense that the ideal of a formal, autonomous grammar cuts off grammatical description from the social context of language variation, the discursive context of language use, and the cognitive context of meaning and experience. This decontextualisation trend takes a more specific form in a set of oppositions, with form taking precedence over function and meaning, syntax over lexicon, the linguistic system over language use, innateness over interactive acquisition, universality over language variation, symbolic modelling over probabilistic description, and introspection over empirical observation. Next, by focusing on Cognitive Linguistics, I will show how these preferences are reversed in the cognitive-functional framework. Finally, I will argue that the succession between decontextualising and recontextualising approaches needs to be seen in a broader historical context: that of the evolution of cognitive science on the one hand, and that of 19th century linguistics on the other.
